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  3. Weekly Update 8 2023/24

Weekly Update 8 2023/24

24 October 2023 (by admin)

Dear Fairfields Community, 

We have reached the end of this half term and look forward to a well-earned rest!  Thank you to the whole community for helping to make the first term as positive as it has been.  We will now begin the process of setting targets for all children which will be shared at the Parents Evenings on the 15th and 16th November.   

After half term, the school will be taking part in the 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' programme which is run by the NSPCC. The programme helps children to recognise when they may feel unsafe and what to do about it, encouraging them to speak out when something worries them. Will we be doing a series of activities in school linked to the programme. In addition, the NSPCC will be coming into school to do workshops with years 2 and 5. Please see the attached letter for more details. 

Super Citizens 

Congratulations to the children nominated for showing respect in the school.  The following children were chosen for consistently showing respect within the community: 

London Class: Ritisha and Jowan 

Year 1: Anvi and Astrid 

Year 2: Amaiyah and Yashu 

Year 3: Lily and Alan 

Year 4: Renée and Lola 

Year 5: Emmanuel and Ayaansh 

Year 6: Toby and Dymtro 

School Librarians 

Well done to all librarians who have started their roles this week and have been working hard to keep the library so tidy! 

Coat Swap 

We are planning to hold our annual Coat Swap during Parents Evening on the 15th and 16th November. If anyone has any unwanted coats in good condition, please donate them to the school office. We will then check them and organise them for parents to view under the canopy during the parents evenings.  


French Club Celebration 

Children in French club have had a great time doing a variety of activities this half term, from learning the colours in French to singing and playing Frere  Jacques on a xylophone.  


Diwali (13th November) 

A reminder that there will be a quick planning meeting for our Diwali celebration straight after school on Wednesday 1st November. All welcome!  


PTA Update 

Christmas Fair - Thursday 14 December 

Thank you to everyone that has signed up so far to help with the Christmas Fair. We do still need more support with this event so please sign-up here: https://fairfieldspta.uk/christmas-fair-volunteer-signup/ 

We are also on the lookout for good quality second hand toys or raffle prizes that parents would be willing to donate for this event so if you can help then please either bring them to the school office or email us and we can collect. 

If you can help with anything or just want to find out more without committing then please email us directly at fairfieldspta@gmail.com. 


Christmas Card Designs 

Your child should have now come home with a sheet where they can do their own design which can then be turned into Christmas cards, mugs, tea towels etc. Just a reminder that these need to be returned to your class teacher by 01 November the latest, so perhaps an activity to do during half term. Should you require an additional design sheet then these can be collected from reception who have some spares. 

There is no obligation to buy when returning your child's design. You will receive a unique link during November to allow you to choose to buy items with this design. For every purchase made the PTA receives funds so this is a great way to raise money for school improvements. 


Updates from Year Groups 

Foundation Stage 

FS have been reading the story of 'The Little Red Hen' and really enjoyed making their own bread rolls today.  Please enjoy cooking with the children as this helps them to learn to follow instructions and sequence steps. 

Year 1 

We hope you have a lovely half term and look forward to seeing you when we return to school. 

Year 2 

Well done to the children for all of their hard work this half term. Our hedgehog habitats projects was lots of fun on Monday- we hope they told you all about it! This week your child will have brought home a letter about our trip to Seacity museum in Southampton on 27th November. Please could you return these forms as soon as possible. You will only need to complete the medical form once this year and we will keep the details for future trips. As always, we are looking for parent helpers so do let us know if you would be interested in coming on the trip with us. We hope you have a lovely half term.  

Year 3 

Children have had an incredible half term and have become experts on the Stone Age. Well done year 3! Next half term, we will be learning about Romans. Please feel free to complete any of the activities in the new topic homework sheet over half term with your child if you wish. 

Year 4 

Please may we remind parents of year 4 children that forms for the Butser Farm trip need to be in the first day back to school.  This includes requesting a school packed lunch if you would like one for your child. 

Year 5 

Please may we ask all the parents who haven't done so already, to fill in the photo-consent form online so we can use photos from group activities on our website. Only 16 parents completed these from Cairo class and 18 from Nairobi class so far.  

We are very fortunate to be able to take part in CARE (Coping and Resilience) workshops in year 5, which will take place after half term every Tuesday for four weeks. Please look out for the email, that will be sent out later today, providing all the information, including the parents workshop details.  

Have a well-deserved break and see you all after halt term.  

Year 6 

Year 6 will be starting their Bikeability training in January and with this in mind, we would like to encourage parents to get their child to become confident riders. Bikeability will see special trainers come to school with the aim of making all pupils confident and safe to cycle on the road. However, they can only train confident bike riders, so please use this time before January to get practicing!  More information about Bikeability can be found here: https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadsafety/cyclingtraining 

Dates for next week 


For other key dates – please look at the calendar on the website or School Jotter. 

PE days 


Due to start PE lessons in the Summer Term 

Year 1 


Year 2 


Year 3 

Friday and every other Wednesday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember) 

Year 4 


Year 5 

Monday and Thursday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember) 

Year 6 

Monday and Wednesday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember) 


Start and finishing times are as follows: 

Foundation Stage, year 1 and Year 2: 8:40am – 3:10pm (Foundation Stage have a staggered start at the beginning of the year and so please collect at the times you have been given).  

Years 3- 6: 8:45am – 3:15pm 

Have a wonderful weekend! 

Miss Kelly Dillon 
