Year 3

 Welcome to Year 3 with Mrs Raggett, Miss Facey and Mrs Cairley. 

Please check here for latest updates. 

We hope that we can build many memories before the children move into Year 4. 


Click here for our Summer term newsletter and curriculum map.

Click here for the year 3 timetable.

Click here for the year 3/4 statutory spellings.

Meet the teacher presentation.


Spring TERM


For computing, we need to use this link to access our games in school.  You can show parents at home too if you wish.  Remember to scroll down to the games.

Link to Scratch games

During our Basingstoke walk, Year 3 learned about many historical features of our local area.

Autumn TERM

This half term we are learning about the Stone Age. We had great fun during our hook day at the start of term. Please see more information about this below. 

Writing in Year 3

Below are some example of writing in year 3. These samples show what we would expect a year 3 child's writing to be like in the spring term. 

To meet expected level children need to be using punctuation consistently, be spelling most of their words correctly and have neat handwriting. Children also need to demonstrate that they can use a range of skills in their writing such as expanded noun phrases, commas in a list, possessive apostrophes and fronted adverbials. 

Please see below some good examples of the children's story endings and newspaper reports from the autumn term last year. These examples have been selected to give an indication of what writing should look like in year 3.