Pupils as Leaders at Fairfields
The Womble Team
The Womble Team ensure that the school and playground are clean and tidy. They use the litter pickers to collect rubbish on the playground at break time and at the end of lunch. They also check and tidy the lost property area.
Young Interpreters
Young interpreters support children across the school who have English as an additional language. This could be through reading with them or playing games with them.
The librarians work in pairs at lunchtime to put books in the correct place and to keep the library tidy.
Health and Safety Team
The health and safety team work with Mr Carter to check that the school is safe by doing regular walks around the school to look for hazards and monitor the ‘near miss’ books in classrooms to check for hazards.
Fruit Monitors
Fruit monitors organise the fruit each week for the classes in foundation stage, year 1 and year 2 and any extra fruit for KS2.
Inclusion Ambassadors
Inclsuion Ambassadors help promote special educational needs and mental health and wellbeing across the school.
Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO)
JRSO’s help educate children in our school about road safety and promote this important message throughout the year.
Break and Lunch Time Play Leaders
Play leaders lead different games/activities at break and lunch time. It also involves supporting adults leading an activity and keeping the outside environment clean and tidy.
Digital Leaders
Digital leaders work with Miss Warwick to report back important information to classes or collect information from their classes. They help their classes follow our e-safety charters and support children to use new programs.
Anti-bullying Ambassador
Anti-bullying Ambassadors ensure that everybody in our school feels as though they belong. They help stamp out bulling and support others to make friends and play together respectfully.
Reading Buddies
Reading buddies help younger children in the school to become more confident in reading. They read to their buddy, listen to their buddy’s reading and talk to them about the text.
Eco Warriors
An Eco Warrior is someone who helps take care of the planet by making smart, green choices! At our school, Eco Warriors are champions for nature. They help with recycling, save energy, and make sure we use less plastic. They might look after the school garden, pick up litter, and remind everyone to turn off lights when we don’t need them. Eco Warriors help make our school and the whole world a cleaner, greener place to live! It's all about working together to protect our environment and the animals and plants we share it with! 🌿
Pupils as Leaders at Fairfields
The Womble Team
The Womble Team ensure that the school and playground are clean and tidy. They use the litter pickers to collect rubbish on the playground at break time and at the end of lunch. They also check and tidy the lost property area.
Young Interpreters
Young interpreters support children across the school who have English as an additional language. This could be through reading with them or playing games with them.
The librarians work in pairs at lunchtime to put books in the correct place and to keep the library tidy.
Health and Safety Team
The health and safety team work with Mr Carter to check that the school is safe by doing regular walks around the school to look for hazards and monitor the ‘near miss’ books in classrooms to check for hazards.
Fruit Monitors
Fruit monitors organise the fruit each week for the classes in foundation stage, year 1 and year 2 and any extra fruit for KS2.
Inclusion Ambassadors
Inclsuion Ambassadors help promote special educational needs and mental health and wellbeing across the school.
Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO)
JRSO’s help educate children in our school about road safety and promote this important message throughout the year.
Break and Lunch Time Play Leaders
Play leaders lead different games/activities at break and lunch time. It also involves supporting adults leading an activity and keeping the outside environment clean and tidy.
Digital Leaders
Digital leaders work with Miss Warwick to report back important information to classes or collect information from their classes. They help their classes follow our e-safety charters and support children to use new programs.
Anti-bullying Ambassador
Anti-bullying Ambassadors ensure that everybody in our school feels as though they belong. They help stamp out bulling and support others to make friends and play together respectfully.
Reading Buddies
Reading buddies help younger children in the school to become more confident in reading. They read to their buddy, listen to their buddy’s reading and talk to them about the text.
Eco Warriors
An Eco Warrior is someone who helps take care of the planet by making smart, green choices! At our school, Eco Warriors are champions for nature. They help with recycling, save energy, and make sure we use less plastic. They might look after the school garden, pick up litter, and remind everyone to turn off lights when we don’t need them. Eco Warriors help make our school and the whole world a cleaner, greener place to live! It's all about working together to protect our environment and the animals and plants we share it with! 🌿
Pupils as Leaders at Fairfields
The Womble Team
The Womble Team ensure that the school and playground are clean and tidy. They use the litter pickers to collect rubbish on the playground at break time and at the end of lunch. They also check and tidy the lost property area.
Young Interpreters
Young interpreters support children across the school who have English as an additional language. This could be through reading with them or playing games with them.
The librarians work in pairs at lunchtime to put books in the correct place and to keep the library tidy.
Health and Safety Team
The health and safety team work with Mr Carter to check that the school is safe by doing regular walks around the school to look for hazards and monitor the ‘near miss’ books in classrooms to check for hazards.
Fruit Monitors
Fruit monitors organise the fruit each week for the classes in foundation stage, year 1 and year 2 and any extra fruit for KS2.
Inclusion Ambassadors
Inclsuion Ambassadors help promote special educational needs and mental health and wellbeing across the school.
Junior Road Safety Officer (JRSO)
JRSO’s help educate children in our school about road safety and promote this important message throughout the year.
Break and Lunch Time Play Leaders
Play leaders lead different games/activities at break and lunch time. It also involves supporting adults leading an activity and keeping the outside environment clean and tidy.
Digital Leaders
Digital leaders work with Miss Warwick to report back important information to classes or collect information from their classes. They help their classes follow our e-safety charters and support children to use new programs.
Anti-bullying Ambassador
Anti-bullying Ambassadors ensure that everybody in our school feels as though they belong. They help stamp out bulling and support others to make friends and play together respectfully.
Reading Buddies
Reading buddies help younger children in the school to become more confident in reading. They read to their buddy, listen to their buddy’s reading and talk to them about the text.
Eco Warriors
An Eco Warrior is someone who helps take care of the planet by making smart, green choices! At our school, Eco Warriors are champions for nature. They help with recycling, save energy, and make sure we use less plastic. They might look after the school garden, pick up litter, and remind everyone to turn off lights when we don’t need them. Eco Warriors help make our school and the whole world a cleaner, greener place to live! It's all about working together to protect our environment and the animals and plants we share it with! 🌿