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  3. Coronation Parade - filming and photographic consent

Coronation Parade - filming and photographic consent

4 May 2023 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers,

We are really excited about the Coronation Parade tomorrow and hope that you can join us.  The BBC may come to take footage which will be shown on Saturday.  We will ensure that the faces of children, where parents have not given permission, are not filmed or photographed.  To help with this, we will position them near an adult or teacher.  Miss Dillon will be at the main gate in the morning with the register so that you can let us know if you do not want your child to be caught on camera.

We will insist that no children are photographed if they are standing near an adult and will check any footage that is taken before the BBC leaves the school site. 

Remember it is a non-school uniform day tomorrow and so pupils can wear their costume or red, white or blue. 

Best wishes,

Miss Dillon