1. News
  2. Whole School
  3. Weekly Update 15

Weekly Update 15

16 January 2023 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers,

It has been a brilliant week in the school with the children striving to complete their best work.  We have continued to celebrate children who have overcome challenges through optimism and celebrated many of those in our assembly on Friday. 

As next week becomes colder we will reopen the library for children to use during lunchtime and ask children to eat inside for packed lunches.  Please do ensure that your child has a coat and their school jumper in school so that we are prepared for any weather!

Support with parenting

Primary Behaviour Support will be running a session for parents on Monday morning in the cabin, between 8:40 – 9:30.  These have been brilliant in the past and many parents have commented on how useful they are. 


We are continuing to look at how we communicate with parents and how parents communicate between themselves.  This includes the Parent Representative role in the school which Mrs Hopkins is developing.  Currently we use the website, email system and the School Jotter APP to communicate with parents.  We will be reviewing these over the next term. 

We also know that there are informal Whatsapp groups which have been set up by parents to help with queries and information.  We will begin to look at how these are used so that they are supportive and signpost complaints through the correct processes. 

Please remember that there are parent drop ins, staff in the playground (before and afterschool) if you have a concern.  You can also email admin@fairfields.hants.sch.uk if you would like to have a meeting with a member of staff. 

Medical Needs in School

Miss Moore will now be taking a lead for pupils who have medical conditions in school.  Please do let her know if there are any updates on medical conditions or if your child is diagnosed with one.  She will work with you to put a plan in place and communicate this with your child’s teacher.

Finally, we hope to see you at both the Toy Sale on Friday 20th January 3:10 – 3:45pm and our Lunar New Year celebration on Monday 23rd January.

Thank you for your continued support

Miss Kelly Dillon
