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  2. Whole School
  3. Weekly Update 23

Weekly Update 23

8 May 2022 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers,

I hope you have enjoyed the weekend and have made the most of the weather!  Thank you to everyone who attended the Eid celebrations on Friday and especially to all of the parents who contributed towards the food for the event.  It was an incredible atmosphere!

May is always a busy time in the school year due to the testing that takes place in both Year 6 and 2. I would like to say a well done to our year 6 pupils in advance of their tests which begin on Monday morning and last the week.  They have worked so hard and have shown a mature attitude to their learning. 

Freddies Club

Thank you to the parents who have already completed the survey to gauge the demand for wrap around care in the school.  We will continue to look at ways to increase the number of places used in the school. 


We have had a few complaints about headlice in Years 1 and 2.  Please could parents be extra vigilant and as a minimum, wet comb hair at the weekend for the next few weeks.  Further information visit the NHS webpage on headlice: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice-and-nits/

PE Uniform

We have had a number of pupils coming to school dressed in multi-coloured tops or trousers.  Please can parents ensure that children come to school wearing black jogging bottoms or shorts and a white t-shirt if they have not got the school PE uniform.  Children may only wear a black jumper, the green school jumper/hoody or the PE uniform zip up jacket. 

We look forward to another week ahead and wish the Year 6 pupils the best of luck!

Miss Dillon
