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  2. Whole School
  3. Welcome Back to School

Welcome Back to School

12 March 2021 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers, 

The first week back to school has been incredible and we are pleased to see the children so motivated within lessons.  Your children have been vibrant and energized and it has helped to reduce the worries and anxieties we have all felt.

I have been so impressed with how dedicated the staff have been in promoting both academic subjects alongside a focus on emotional wellbeing.  This has meant that the children have settled into the routine and are happy to return each day. 

Thank you for all of your support in the playground and at drop off and pick up times.  Please do be aware that there are still a number of families who are trying to shield.  In these cases, adults are only leaving their houses to bring their children to and from school.  For this reason, please can I ask that everyone remember the following: 

  • Only one parent enter the playground to collect or drop off.
  • All children in your care remain by your side.  Yesterday I had to speak to a number of children who were running around the playground while their parents talked to other parents.  
  • Adults to wear masks as much as possible and avoid approaching other adults. 
  • Adults to leave the playground as soon as the teacher is present, we will call you if we are concerned about your child’s temperature. 

We are going to reduce the waiting time in the playground for Foundation Stage parents by 5 minutes.  Drop off time will be changed to 9:05.  Pick up time will be 3:25pm.  We hope that this will support parents who have to collect multiple pupils.  We may look to move times for other year groups after the holidays. 

Please also park responsibly around the school.  We have had reports that parents are parking on curbs and leaving younger children in cars with the engine running.  Please do not do this as it is a it will raise child protection concerns.

As well as the staff testing in school, parents are now able to order test kits to test their families and support bubbles.  For more information visit:  https://www.gov.uk/order-coronavirus-rapid-lateral-flow-tests

We will begin work on the virtual pond area next week.  The first step will be to improve the drainage.  Contractors will be onsite for approximately two weeks.  Once this work is completed, we will then resurface the area and look to install the apparatus and cabin.  Please do bear in mind that space might be limited at this end of the playground during this period.

Finally, we want to say thank you to parents for sending in the work from home.  We will take the rest of the term to go through this and photocopy pieces for our records.  We will also be issuing certificates for great work and for completing reading or phonics at home.  These will be sent home by the end of this term.  We will also send home details of parents evening and report arrangements next week as these have changed.

 Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you in school on Monday.


Miss Kelly Dillon
