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  2. Weekly Update 9 2023/4

Weekly Update 9 2023/4

5 November 2023 (by admin)

Dear Fairfields Community,

The first week back was calm and productive, despite the unpredictable weather.  The new School Councillors and House Captains have now been appointed and have begun fulfilling their duties this week.  We will share a photograph of them as soon as everyone is in school this week.

We also wish to say congratulations to Mrs. Baker and Terri Hope who celebrate 25 years working for Hampshire County Council.  They were awarded with their certificates in assembly, and we wanted to officially say thank you for their service to both the school and the whole community. 

Sunflower Café

Thank you to Tracey for launching the Sunflower Café on the playground.  This has been really well received.  A survey will be sent out shortly, for the preferred times for The Sunflower Cafe information hub to be available for all.

When you see the sunflowers you know that it is open .



We will be selling poppies afterschool on the playground next week.  Please do bring cash to give to the Royal British Legion donation boxes.   

Coat Swap

We are planning to hold our annual Coat Swap during Parents Evening on the 15th and 16th November.  If anyone has any unwanted coats in good condition, please donate them to the school office.  We will then check them and organise them for parents to view under the canopy during the parents evenings.  


Vaping on the playground

This week a child in Year 1 picked up a vape during the morning drop off.  Please could parents be mindful about where they are storing vapes and ensure that they are secured in bags as opposed to pockets when entering the school playground. 


Diwali (13th November)

Please do come and join us for our Diwali celebration on the 13th November.  This will take place in the playground or main hall (depending n the weather). 


PTA Updates

Christmas Fair - Thursday 14 December

Thank you to everyone that has signed up so far to help with the Christmas Fair and with less than 6 weeks to go until the event we need everyone's help more than ever so please sign-up here if you can help: https://fairfieldspta.uk/christmas-fair-volunteer-signup/. If we don't get more volunteers then we will need to take difficult decisions to scale down what we have planned so please consider helping us on the day.

The PTA website is now open for pre-ordering hotdogs (including vegan), Santa grotto tickets and activity tokens, the latter of which there is an early bird deal where you get an extra token for each £5 spent - please click here if you would like to make on-line purchases: https://fairfieldspta.uk/product-category/christmas-fair/

If you'd prefer to buy in person we will be outside the canopy area in the playground in the morning and afternoon of Wednesday 8th November to sell tokens and tickets (via cash or card) so please come and see us, even if it is to ask questions or are thinking about volunteering.

There will also be a raffle, with some great prizes already donated and a top prize of £100. Raffle ticket books will be issued to each child to take home later this month so look out for further news around this in due course. 

We are also on the lookout for good quality second hand toys or raffle prizes that parents would be willing to donate for this event so if you can help then please either bring them to the school office or email us and we can collect.

If you can help with anything or just want to find out more without committing then please email us directly at fairfieldspta@gmail.com.




Updates from Year Groups

Foundation Stage

No updates this week.

Year 1

The children have enjoyed their first week back. They had a surprise visit from the Big Bad Wolf on Monday. The wolf left sticks and straw all over the classroom which had to be tidied. We have been reading the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. 

Year 1 will be going on a walk around the local area on Wednesday 15th November in the afternoon. 

We would be very grateful if parents could volunteer to help on this trip. Please speak to Mrs. Cox or Mrs. Bogalski if you are available. 

Children will not be able to go on this trip if you have not completed the Annual Declaration form. Please complete this form using the link below if you have not yet done so. 



Year 2

The children have made a fantastic start to their Titanic topic with a voyage on board the ship on Monday. Unfortunately it was not all smooth sailing! Please see the Year 2 page of the website for photos. Thank you to everyone who has already returned their trip letters for Seacity museum. Please could we ask that you do so as soon as possible if you have not already. Thank you also for the kind offers from parent volunteers. Due to capacity at the museum we can only take 4 parents. We will contact you if we would like your help on this occasion. For DT this half term we will be ship building. Please could we ask for any donations of junk modelling materials (e.g. cardboard boxes/plastic tubs or bottles etc) to be brought in at any point over the next 4 weeks. 


Please can all parents check through their books at home for any colour banded books (there will be a small sticker on the spine of the book) and return them on Monday. So many books have gone missing or not been returned that we don't have enough of the correct colours to give out to children this week. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help us with this. Mrs. Bos & Mrs. Dawson, Budapest Class.

Year 3

No updates this week.

Year 4

Well done to the New Delhi for working so hard.  Miss Rees has really enjoyed being the ‘stand in’ teacher!  Miss Warwick unfortunately is still unable to come back to school next week and so Miss Rees will continue to teach.  As a result,  the year 4 assembly will be postponed and will not be held on the 27th November. We will let you know the new date for the assembly after Christmas. 

Year 5

We've had a great start to our 'Australia' topic this week. On Thursday, we spoke to Kendra, who lives in Queensland, over Zoom and learnt about Australia in general and about Australian wildlife - we even saw a wild green tree frog! We hope the children have enjoyed this experience and were eager to tell you about this at home.

Year 6

No updates this week.

Dates for next week

Wednesday 8th November – Choir concert at Costello School.

Thursday 9th November – Individual photographs in school.  We are not able to accommodate sibling photographs this year due to not having a space available.

Thursday 9th November – Rugby Match at St. Mary’s Junior School.

For other key dates – please look at the calendar on the website or School Jotter.

PE days


Due to start PE lessons in the Summer Term

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3

Friday and every other Wednesday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember)

Year 4


Year 5

Monday and Thursday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember)

Year 6

Monday and Wednesday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember)


Start and finishing times are as follows:

Foundation Stage, year 1 and Year 2: 8:40am – 3:10pm (Foundation Stage have a staggered start at the beginning of the year and so please collect at the times you have been given).

Years 3- 6: 8:45am – 3:15pm

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Kelly Dillon
