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  2. Whole School
  3. Weekly Update 3 2023/4

Weekly Update 3 2023/4

15 September 2023 (by admin)

Dear Fairfields Community,

It has been another fantastic week in the school with the start of our new mathematics mastery teaching.  Well done to the staff and children for adapting to the new way of learning mathematics.  Once we are more confident with the delivery of it, we will invite parents in to take part in the lessons and to become Maths Master! 

Your child may have talked about applying to be a pupil leader in the school.  Children can apply for a job to help improve an aspect of the school.  Please see the attached information (this will not show on Jotter App) and take time to discuss the different roles and whether your child is interested.  Applications form can be collected from the school office and need to be returned to the box outside Mrs. Hopkin’s office by Friday 29th September.

We have created an annual declaration which will mean that we will not have to ask for photographic permission for each event.  It also clarifies our expectations around allergies and medical conditions.  We asked for all parents to complete this by Friday 15th September.  Please follow the link: https://forms.gle/prCRZHSqWc4hfXoj7

If you would like a paper copy, please come to the school office.  We will contact parents the following week if they have not completed this.  We have also changed our policy on medical consent forms for trips and will only ask parents to complete one for the year.  This will be sent out for the first visit and then kept for the year in a confidential filing cabinet. 

We have a professional photographer coming to school on Thursday afternoon to take organised photographs for the new school website.  Please ensure that you have signed the form so that we know which children can be used.  We will speak to parents prior to using chosen photographs to agree on usage on further marketing materials.

Afterschool clubs

After School Clubs for children will begin on the week beginning 25th September. Most of the clubs will run for 6 sessions with the last session during the week beginning 6th November.


Rugby, Netball and Choir clubs will start on the week beginning 25th September and will run every week of the academic year unless otherwise advised.


Clubs will be after school and run until 4.00pm and are listed at the end of the attached letter (only on email).

The sessions will be available to be booked online on Arbor from Monday 18th September at 4.00pm until Friday 22nd September at 9am.


Please remember, there are limited spaces available for each club and the system will book them on a first come first served basis. Please only book one of these clubs for your child. If you book more than one, we will choose which they will attend. Once a place has been allocated in a club your child cannot change their mind and ask to change to another club.


Our Partner Clubs – ran in school but chargeable to parents

Singing Club - If you are interested in booking onto the singing club (run by Sing Star) for your child, please click on the link: https://sing-star-vocal-coaching.classforkids.io/term/6

Drama Club - Scratch built theatre run a drama club on Mondays starting on the 25th September, 3.15- 4.15 the cost of the workshops will be £4 discounted places are available so if you would like your child to attend please contact. Beckykitter@me.com 

Bootcamp – Sarah and Steve will also be running their fitness club on Tuesdays (FS – Year 2) and Wednesdays (Years 3 -6).  To book onto this club please email Sarahleaford@outlook.com


Football Club

Football club will be starting soon and will be little different this year as Miss Warwick has entered the children into two new events.  To start with, we are just going to invite year 6 children to trial for the club and will add year 5 children in due course.  This is because both of the events are only for one team.   We will be holding a trial from 3.15 until 4.15 p.m. on Thursday 21st September. 


If you have a year 6 child who is interested in trialling for a place, please could they collect a form from their class teacher or from the office and return it.  We will only be able to keep children who have returned the form after school.   

These children will need to be wearing P.E. kit on the Thursday but no football boots are permitted at this stage.  We will return to the playground for collection by 4.15.  An announcement will then be made as to who is in the squad.  Football club training sessions are likely to be mostly on the Monday at the moment. 


Construction Donations Needed

We are looking for different types of construction material for the children to play with at lunchtimes. For example, Duplo, Lego, Maga Blocks etc. If you have anything at home that you no longer want, we would be very grateful for any donations. 


Afterschool Care

Your child must be collected at 3:10pm for Foundation Stage, Year 1 and 2 or 3:15pm for children in Year 3-6.  The only afterschool care for children in the school is the Junior Adventure Group which is chargeable to yourselves.  If your child is not collected at their finishing time, we will contact you to see why this is the case.

They are not able to wait at the office as the office staff are there to deal with parental enquiries and answer phones. 

Uniform Donations

Thank you to everyone for donating uniform at the start of the year.  We do not need anymore for now and will organise a uniform swap early in July if you can save it until then.


Year 6 Secondary Applications

Secondary school place applications for September 2024 are open from today,

Monday 11 September, until Tuesday 31 October. Please see the attached information if your child is in Year 6. 


Costello will be holding their open sessions over the next few months.  The first one is on Thursday 5th October,  5:30pm - 8:30pm

Please click here to book your ticket. If you wish to attend the Headteacher talk you must book this as an add on. Any queries on booking then please do not hesitate to contact Costello’s Reception Team.

Open Mornings
Monday 9 October - Wednesday 11 October at 9am or 10am
Monday 16 October - Wednesday 18 October at 9am or 10am

Please click here to book your ticket.


PTA Update


AGM Meeting


We will be holding our AGM on Wednesday 27 September at 7:30pm via zoom. Everyone is invited to come along to hear some updates and share ideas for the coming school year and also details of the money we've raised and how we can spend it to benefit the school. There will also be an opportunity to vote for this year's committee so if you are interested in joining please let us know. A meeting link to this event will be sent nearer the date.


Harvest Festival – Monday 2nd October 2:15 – 3pm

This year we have focused our harvest festival on the diversity of farming.  Children will learn about different types of farming and prepare a presentation for parents.  You are invited to attend our walkabout and presentations between 2:15 – 3pm on Monday 2nd October. 

The year groups will focus on the following and we welcome anyone with knowledge in these areas as special guests and to support year groups in their learning.

Foundation Stage: Fruit and vegetable farming 

Year 1: Hay farming and arable farming including vehicles. 

Year 2: Dairy Farming 

Year 3: Fish Farming/ Aquaculture 

Year 4: Solar farming 

Year 5: Agroforestry 

Year 6: Wind farming- inland and offshore 

Please enter the school from under the main canopy.  The PTA will also be providing refreshments for the event.  Please bring cash if you would like to buy any drinks or cakes.


We will be collecting food donations for the Food Bank again this year.  This year they have theme the donations as ‘bring a tin’.  Please donate a tin by bringing it into school on Monday 2nd October.  The donations will be on display in the school hall during the walkaround.


Updates from Year Groups

Foundation Stage

The children in Foundation Stage are settling in well.  However, even though they may have been at nursery full-time, school is very busy and they are very tired by the end of the day.  Please think carefully about this before booking your child onto an after-school club, as it may be too soon for some children.  If you are unsure, please speak to your child's class teacher.

Year 1

We have had another great week learning about old and new toys. The children are settling well into the new routines of year 1. 


Here are a couple of dates for your diaries.

Autumn 1 

Year 1 will be opening their toy museum for parents to visit on Thursday 12th October. It will be open between 2:15pm and 2:50pm. 

Autumn 2

Year 1 will be walking around the local area in the afternoon on Wednesday 15th November. 

Year 2

Please remember that children should wear no jewellery, especially earrings, on PE day (Monday) for Year 2.

For our trip on Wednesday, please make sure your child has a coat if rain is forecast.

Year 3

We have had another amazing week of learning in year 3. The children have been hands on in science, recreating some of Sir Isaac Newton’s experiments, as well as discovering more about the Stone Age. A huge thank you to all the parents who are keeping out of the canopy in the morning, this really helps us bring the children into school safely. We can't wait to see what week three brings!

Year 4

Parents of year 4 children will be receiving a letter shortly about a trip to Butser Farm in November to learn about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.  We are just finalising the date and will be looking shortly for parent volunteers!

Year 5

Our Year 5 trip is next week 21st Thursday September 2023.  Please see the notes below for what your child needs on the day.


·         Please come to school promptly at 8:45 so we can leave on time at 9:15.

·         Please provide a packed lunch and drink for the day for your child unless you have indicated below that you would like school to provide these.

·         Please send your child has a water bottle.

·         Please administer any travel sickness medication before coming to school.

·         Please ensure that your child is wearing school uniform and is bringing a pair of wellies in a plastic bag (unless you have indicated that your child needs a pair provided). Children will be asked to stand in the river/stream so please ensure that these are waterproof. Children can wear trainers for the rest of the day.

·         Please pack waterproof coats, trousers / sunhat / sun cream (weather-dependent).

·         We will arrive back at school by the end of the school day (traffic-dependent).

Thank you to everyone who has paid.  A gentle reminder if you have not paid £19 for the trip, please can you do this either in cash at the Office or on Arbor. 

Year 6

No updates this week

Dates for next week

Monday 18th September – Club booking opens on Arbor.

Wednesday 20th September – Year 2 walk to the Top of Town as part of their geography and history learning.

Thursday 21st September – Year 5 River Trip

Thursday 21st September – Year 6 Football Trial

For other key dates – please look at the calendar on the website or School Jotter.

PE days


Due to start PE lessons in the Summer Term

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3

Friday and every other Wednesday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember)

Year 4


Year 5

Monday and Thursday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember)

Year 6

Monday and Wednesday (Children can wear PE uniform on both days if easier to remember)


Start and finishing times are as follows:

Foundation Stage, year 1 and Year 2: 8:40am – 3:10pm (Foundation Stage have a staggered start at the beginning of the year and so please collect at the times you have been given).

Years 3- 6: 8:45am – 3:15pm

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Kelly Dillon
