Welcome to the Friday Challenge page. We hope you enjoy the weekly challenges which we have set and have some fun with them, and we can't wait to hear about how you have been getting on in assembly next week.


Friday 26th February 2021

Challenge 1

Natural material art challenge

Can you collect some natural materials when you next go on a walk outside such as leaves, stones and twigs and use them to create some art? You could stick your design on paper, or just create it on the floor. How many different designs can you make? Can you make a pattern, an animal, a house? What ideas can you come up with? 


Challenge 2

Map Skills

Can you design your own map? Maybe it could be a treasure map. Or you could create a map of your local area. Maybe you could design your own map of your perfect place. You could make a map of your own theme park, or design the layout of your ideal home. We can't wait to see your ideas. You might want to label it, add pictures, use colour, add objects to your map to make it 3D... you can choose!

Challenge 3

Name game

What activities can you do which link to your name? Maybe you can try some of these, or think of some of your own?

How many things can you think of starting with the first letter of your name? Can you find 5 things in your house which also start with that letter? Can you create some artwork using the letters of your name, maybe to make a sign for your bedroom door? Can you think of a line of a poem for each letter of your name to create a poem about yourself?


Extra Challenge of the day

The tidy challenge!

Can you help tidy something up? Maybe it is a drawer, your bedroom, a toy box? Ask a grown up in your house or at school what you can do to help tidy. By helping to tidy, you are showing our core values of love and respect! Well done!


Friday 5th March 2021

Challenge 1

Food task

Can you design a dinner for someone at home? It could be for you, or for someone in your family. Maybe you can draw it, make a menu, make it out of playdoh or art materials. Maybe you can actually cook something? Can you help make your lunch today- maybe you could make a sandwich?

Challenge 2

Create a game

Can you make a game for someone to play? It could be an obstacle course, a board game, a game on the computer using software such as ‘Scratch’, a card game... You might need to write a set of rules, or think of what the rules might be. See if there is someone at home who you can show it to and play it with.

Challenge 3

Someone special

Can you draw a picture of someone special? They might be someone you know, like a member of your family, or maybe it is someone famous who you admire. You could draw or paint a picture of them, find out some facts about them, or write a biography about them. 

Extra Challenge of the Day

Mindful Challenge

How many different calming activities can you do during the day? 

Can you complete a yoga activity? Can you practise some breathing techniques? Can you find a piece of music which relaxes you and draw or paint an image that comes to mind when you listen to it? Can you do some mindful colouring? Can you go for a walk outside and see how many different sounds you can hear, how many different colours you can spot, how many different shapes you can see in the clouds?

You could use the ideas on the Wellbeing page on the school website to help you.