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  2. Whole School
  3. Weekly Update 6

Weekly Update 6

5 November 2021 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers,

We have had a fantastic first week back to school and Happy Diwali!

Thank you to everyone who joined us to celebrate Diwali in the playground with our Rangoli patterns.  We would like to share photographs of families celebrating Diwali in Monday’s assembly.  Please email admin@fairfields.hants.sch.uk if you have any photographs we can use. 

 Children in Need – 19th November (18th November for competition entries)

The School Council have met to discuss how we can raise money for Children in Need this year.  They have decided to launch two competitions – a mindful colouring one and a designing a bandana competition. 

Both of these cost 50p to enter and are available from the main office. 

The entries need to be in on Thursday 18th November and winners will be announced on the 19th November.

We will also be inviting pupils to dress in spotty clothing or headwear on Friday 19th November.  The School Council will be collecting £1 in a bucket by the gates from children who are taking part in the event. 

Advent Calendar Donations

Lily in Year 6 has decided to launch an appeal for advent calendars.  She has asked if parents are able to donate unopened advent calendars to the Food Bank in Basingstoke as part of the 100 chocolate smiles campaign. 

Her and her family will be collecting them on the top playground after school on Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th November.  If you are shopping over the weekend and are able to purchase an additional advent calendar as a donation – please do!

Armistice Day

On Thursday 11th November, at drop off time, we will be creating a giant coin poppy on the playground.  Please bring in any spare coins to add to the poppy in order to raise money for the Poppy Appeal.  We will also be decorating the hedge around the school with poppies and other artwork created by children in the school.   

Poppies will be available to buy on Tuesday and Wednesday afterschool.

If any parents have photographs of relatives who are serving or who have served in the armed forces, please do send these in with a short biography for us to share in assembly on Thursday. 

These can be emailed to admin@fairfields.hants.sch.uk.   

Congratulations to Mrs Bogalski

We are happy to announce that Mrs Bogalski (Foundation Stage Leader) has a new member to her family.  Olivia Bogalski was born on the 28th October.  Congratulations to her and her family. 

Coronvarius Update

We are continuing to monitor the guidance given to us by both Hampshire County Council and the Department for Education.  Currently we have had one confirmed case in Year 6 in the last ten days, which is good news!

Thank you to our school community for supporting us with testing and in only sending their child to school if they are well.

As the winter season approaches, we know that more children will display flu-like symptoms.  Please do continue to only send your child into school if they are well.  This will help to keep the whole community safe and to avoid any further measures being put into place. 

We are still planning to go ahead with our winter festivities, which include a production by Foundation Stage and an alternative carol service for parents. 

I will continue to update you with the number of cases each week so that you can take any action you feel necessary. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Kelly Dillon
