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Weekly Update

18 June 2021 (by admin)

Dear Parents,

Thank you for everything you are doing to help keep our community safe.  The announcement made by Boris Johnson on Monday means that we need to keep some restrictions in place in the school.  This does also mean that Sports Day will be slightly different this year. 

The weather for next week is looking extremely wet.  This means that Sports Day and Healthy lives week will need to be moved to the following week and Sports Day will now take place on Wednesday the 30th June.  Please click here to read the letter with further details of the event. 

We are really pleased to announce the launch of our PE uniform for next year.  The uniform will be worn on PE days and is available to purchase at:  https://www.lisssport.co.uk/Fairfields

Both the socks and T-shirt are the most important part of the uniform.  The shorts, tracksuit bottoms can be purchased from other stores as long as they are black.  The black, zip-up jacket is optional as the hoody (from Skoolkit) can be worn instead. 

Please note that due to high demand they will be processing orders on the 12th July for the start of term.  After this time, you will be able to purchase them from the website but they will arrive after the start of the term. 

In other news,  we have had a number of complaints from the local residents about parents’ parking.  In particular parents who are parking on Beaconsfield Road.  There have been reports of blocking driveways, leaving children in cars with the engine running, driving over the pavements and nearly colliding with parents and children who are trying to walk on the paths.  Please can I urge parents to take the time to park safely and to only arrive at your child’s time and not before unless dropping off other siblings.  I have advised the residents to report number plates to the police from now on. 

I have also been made aware that there will be filming taking place on Monday the 28th June.  I have spoken to the Director and he has confirmed that parking at drop off and pick up time will not be affected as he can work around us.

Finally, I am sad to say that Miss Thompson, a Learning Support Assistant in Foundation Stage, will be leaving the school today.  We will miss her in the school but know that she will achieve her ambition by beginning her training as a Police Officer.

I would like to welcome some new members of staff to the school:

Mr Mardell is our new Site Manager.  He will be working alongside Mr Carter for a year until he retires in June 2022.

Mrs Morrison, Miss Aimes and Miss Geleh are our new Learning Support Assistants who will be working across the school. 

We also excited to announce that Mrs Bogalski is expecting her second child.  She will be going on maternity leave in the Autumn Term. 

Have a wonderful weekend and stay dry!

Miss Kelly Dillon
