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  2. Whole School
  3. Weekly Update

Weekly Update

26 April 2021 (by admin)

Dear parents and carers,

The first week back has been incredible!  Hopefully, your children have been talking to you about the activities they have been doing as part of Science Week.  This included a visit to the Planetarium which was put up in the main hall for two days.  Thank you to Mrs Raggett for organising the week for the school!

On the INSET day, we looked at how we can improve on learning behaviour and also reading for pleasure.  Over the next few weeks we will be sharing some whole school initiatives which will help to encourage children to read more, including a reading APP which will give them access to books at home.  A massive thank you to Mrs Melville who designed the reading chart and who continues to help us on our journey to outstanding!

We will also be sharing with you our new approach to rewarding children who are displaying excellent learning behaviour. 

Finally, thank you to all of the parents who have signed up for Parents Evening tomorrow and Wednesday.  A pack will be sent home with your child today with examples of their work and also information about recent testing.  These will be discussed at Parents Evening this week.

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring that your children are wearing school uniform.  It does really make a difference!

Kind regards

Miss Kelly Dillon
